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lundi 28 janvier 2008

Bloby monday's 28/01/08

Voila deux footages qui ne seron pas utilisés pour la video .. il est asser difficile de faire les bloby monday et la video en meme temps donc on n'envera surement pas des longues video a chaque fois mais quelques footages. En attandant le teaser, regardez ces petits footages.

An Evening at the Skatepark

Yet another skatepark montage from the likes of me...


search and explore the area !

looking for spots is the best part, you're really motivated while driving around industrial area's with your eyes wide open. every stair, rail, sidewalk, bump, waved concrete or anything else matters. Driving back home from work or school taking a different route and hope you're gonna find something. it's one of the greatest things about skateboarding, looking for the unknown. We, skaters, have a different kind of view. an important and artistic one.

from a 100m down low it looked like a huge ditch but when we got up there it was all filled up and became a giant nature box.
it looks like copper thiefs also visited this site.

and apparently it's been there for already 4 years during to google earth's photos.

don't steal or break shit, cause skaters who do, are fucking up the sport i love ! respect the spot and it will respect you.

and keep in mind there's always a chance you're not alone... at least we weren't !